Čo chýba na trhu s bývaním, kde je dopyt po prenájmoch a mnohí majitelia majú iba jednu nehnuteľnosť na prenájom?
Udržiavanie nehnuteľnosti obsadenej, výber správnych nájomcov, priebežná údržba, kontroly a všetka právna dokumentácia.
Všetky tieto služby sú potrebné a finančný výnos je úzko spojený s kvalitou poskytovaných služieb. Napríklad, začať hľadať vhodného nájomcu dostatočne vopred. Alebo pravidelne kontrolovať nehnuteľnosť, aby sa malé problémy nezmenili na katastrofy.
Massive buildings line the roads out of my town. Big ugly cubes with no windows. The uniform anonymous grey walls are sprinkled with fake cheerful corporate colors. As i drive past them I can glimpse more of them behind the first row by the road. How many are there? Do I want to know?
As a business owner you have a wide choice of apps to support, accelerate and improve your operations. This is both a blessing and a curse. There are some areas like accounting, warehouse and email marketing that are standardized and you can find a solution almost exactly for your budget and needs.
However, the real core of your business is your secret sauce. Now, obviously, since you are doing it your way, there is no ready-made product you can buy (ok there is excel…). So what now? Well, you can continue fighting with informal rules; paper, excel and emails.
In the previous posts we have introduced a javascript database class and a json based sql variant - json-fetch. We can now implement a dynamic CRUD layer, but there is an important piece missing.
Na jeseň 2023 začalo občianske združenie Cesta von rozbiehať svoj nový program Zebra a my sme ich podporili hneď od začiatku.
Vývoj softvéru pre program, ktorý sa spúšťa, neustále mení, prispôsobuje a hľadá, je zaujímavá výzva.
V predošlých blogoch sme vám priblížili aplikácie, ktoré sme vytvorili pre mimovládne organizácie, respektíve neziskovky. Medzi nimi sa najviac vynímali naše apky pre organizáciu Cesta von, ktorá po celom Slovensku pomáha marginalizovaným komunitám, aby sa dostali z pasce chudoby a aby pre ďalšie generácie zabezpečili lepší život.
Inuko Cloud is the software that hosts apps for customers (or tenants).
New customers can easily sign-up, for one or more apps.
Additionally each app can be customized individually per customer.
How does it work? Where does it work? Let's explore.
You want a mobile app.
And you have a great web app optimized for mobile web.
Or you are just planning your app strategy.
In both cases you should consider a single approach to web and mobile.
How? With Capacitorjs.
A frictionless sign-up and sign-in experience has many benefits.
Once a user is ready to try our app, don't lose them in the sign up procedure.
Once a user starts using our app, don't lose them becuase they forgot their login.
Multifactor and not reusing passwords keeps user's data safe.
It is almost a rite of passage, a sign your software is all grown up when you add reporting functionality.
Like an invoice file, a customer report, or an employee document.
Anytime we need the data from our system to be presented, printed or processed we need data in the form of a document.
Program Filip je rozčlenený do štyroch kategórií, pričom každá sa venuje inej oblasti, v ktorej potrebujú ľudia z vylúčených komunít pomôcť – bývanie, riešenie dlhov, zamestnanie a finančný cieľ. Každá rodina zapojená do programu Filip dostala mentora, s…
Separating content from code is always a good idea. Therefore, let's explore how to do that in a GatsbyJS website. Without any external data sources.
Let's build a static website with external content. In this post I will show you how you can static-render data from any data source with GatsbyJS.
It has been never easier to create a great looking and performant website than it is today. There is an abundance of options that you can choose from, whether you are a novice or a front end pro. With all the options comes, what the germans nicely call "Die Qual der Whal". Or in english what is the best solution for me.