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  • This app serves as your essential work log.

  • Plan tasks and record outcome. Add dates, notes, photos and files - as needed.

  • Assign tasks to projects and projects to customers

  • Put a $ to each task and automatically generate orders and invoices for completed work, send pdfs

  • Client portal. Open up (portion) of tasks to clients and partners. You can share photos and clients can append comment. Send notifications about changes

  • Accessible on both mobile and desktop.

  • Suitable for individuals or teams.

  • Designed for simplicity and scalability.

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Case Management

  • Easily create and delegate cases to designated workers or team members.

  • Establish clear goals and objectives for each case, enabling efficient tracking of progress and completion.

  • Seamlessly schedule case activities, with the option to either quickly set up appointments or construct predefined activity plans for streamlined workflow.

  • Gain insightful visualization of completed activities, cases, and goals through intuitive and comprehensive dashboards, facilitating informed decision-making and analysis.

  • Allow workers to upload, store, and access relevant files and documents directly within each case.

  • Implement automated notifications and reminders to keep stakeholders informed about important updates, deadlines, or milestones.

  • Robust reporting capabilities, allowing users to generate custom reports on case statuses, trends, and performance metrics.

  • Works with Phones, Tablets, Macs and PCs.

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Education App

  • Efficient Time Management: Provides a shared calendar for scheduling classes and managing changes, enhancing organization and adaptability.
  • Streamlined Content Management: Offers easy access to learning materials, class plans, exercises, and past lessons, reducing preparation time and ensuring content relevance.
  • Continuous Feedback and Improvement: Enables teachers to provide feedback after each lesson, facilitating continuous improvement in teaching methods and content delivery.
  • Student Progress Tracking: tracks attendance and progress notes, allowing educators to monitor student development and provide targeted support.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Centralizes class information for quick adjustments and enables observation of student advancement, fostering collaboration among educators and optimizing teaching approaches.
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Business Travel Log

  • Automates data collection, travel cost calculation, and report generation
  • Mobile-friendly, allowing users to log trips and upload documents directly from their phones
  • Simplifies the process, saving significant time for users
  • Reduces errors associated with manual data entry
  • Seamlessly integrates with accounting processes
  • Provides interactive charts for quick overviews and detailed inspections
  • Minimizes frustration with Excel and manual record-keeping
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Activity Tracking

  • Manage your and your team's time.
  • Flexible display with day, working week or month.
  • Color coded activity types.
  • Unlimited activity types, with custom fields like products discussed.
  • Display all your events in one place with Microsoft Exchange integration.
  • Or the other way around, see your business events on your phone calendar.
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Customer Management

  • Standard client management features include customers, contacts and products.
  • Call a contact or navigate to customer with one click.
  • Extensible data store that can model your organization needs.
  • Unlimited custom fields, from simple text to address from map selector.
  • Unlimited custom relationships.
  • Intuitive filtered lists.
  • Task specific form, views, calendars, charts and maps.
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Employee Management

  • Collect information from staff with personalized forms that are automatically saved back to the database.
  • Utilize Microsoft Word document templates.
  • Bulk document generation and distribution - for example updating employee contracts for the whole company in seconds.
  • Adapt the database model to your organization's structure by easily adding new fields and relationships.
  • Seamlessly integrate with Microsoft SharePoint for efficient document storage.
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Business rules - be a step ahead

  • Establish proactive guidelines.
  • Set up automated monthly reminders to contact A class customers.
  • Schedule regular content updates for blog and social media platforms in order to stay relevant.
  • Set reminders for invoicing clients at specific intervals to maintain consistent cashflow.
  • Set up notifications for equipment maintenance to prevent unexpected breakdowns.
  • User-friendly dashboards for easy monitoring and tracking of rule compliance.
  • Reward system for employees who consistently follow proactive rules.
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  • Easily create professional and customizable quotes and proposals that accurately reflect your products or services.
  • Allow flexibility in pricing structures, including discounts, taxes, and variable pricing, to accommodate different customer needs and negotiations.
  • Generate invoices automatically based on accepted quotes, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring timely and accurate billing.
  • Send Quote and Invoice PDFs with any custom fields, images, QR or barcodes you need.
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