
Free Trial

35%Time savings in scheduling and planning.
25%More cases per month.
90%Reduction of data entry errors.
Managing cases and supporting clients through various life situations is a complex and demanding job. From guiding clients in securing loans to helping them navigate health issues, case-workers are essential in providing assistance and achieving goals. Our app is designed to simplify and enhance the entire process, making it easier for case-workers, managers, and experts to collaborate and succeed.

The Challenge

  • Disorganized Scheduling: Case-workers juggle multiple client meetings, sometimes in various locations. Our app provides multiple calendar views (day, week, month) and integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Outlook/Exchange, ensuring that you have a comprehensive and easily accessible schedule.
  • Missed Steps and Deadlines: Forgetting crucial tasks and steps can be detrimental. Our app’s automated reminders, set up by managers, ensure standard operating procedures are followed, onboarding is simplified, and no important steps are overlooked.
  • Fragmented Information: Keeping track of past meetings, goals, and progress is vital for case-workers. Our app allows for easy note-taking, goal setting, and review of past activities, helping case-workers plan future actions effectively.
  • Cumbersome Paperwork: Dealing with paper documents is still a necessity. Our app’s SharePoint integration allows case-workers to access, scan, and upload documents on the go, linking them directly to relevant records for easy access.

Unlock the Gains

  • Streamlined Operations: With customizable fields for different types of events and meetings, our app adapts to your specific needs, making scheduling and information retrieval straightforward and efficient.
  • Improved Client Support: Case-workers can easily request support from experts and review goals with managers. Regular progress reviews and automated report generation in PDF or Word format save time and ensure standardized outputs.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Managers can distribute workloads more effectively with analytical tools that provide insights into team performance, case durations, and workload balance. This enables better resource management and supports continuous improvement.

Key Features

  • Automated Reminders: Set up by managers, automated reminders ensure that all necessary steps are followed, simplifying onboarding and maintaining high standards of operation.
  • Integrated Document Management: SharePoint integration allows case-workers to access, scan, and upload documents directly from their app, linking them to relevant client records for easy retrieval.
  • Efficient Note-Taking: Our app supports quick and efficient note-taking, including a dictate feature, ensuring that all important information is captured and stored.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Managers can utilize analytical tools to measure and improve team performance, understanding workload distribution and identifying areas for improvement.

Case studies

The nonprofit currently helps 180 families (over 500 children and adults in total) and over 60 individuals, which means the app now includes over 200 cases. In the worst cases, the non-profit can also help financially if necessary. Each such aid is recorded and is thus in the system, so that it is clear how much was provided to whom and where, and that this material aid is not misused.
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The Filip program is divided into four categories and each of them addresses a different area in which people from excluded communities need help – housing, debt resolution, employment and financial goals. Each family involved in the Filip program received a mentor with whom they set goals for 2-3 years ahead. They meet with this mentor at least twice a month in order to set out on the path of fulfilling their goals or to solve an urgent situation. Every six months, they will then evaluate the progress made together. And here we come to the Filip application
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Take the Tour

Our app is designed to support case-workers in their mission to guide clients towards their goals. By streamlining scheduling, automating reminders, integrating document management, and providing data-driven insights, we make case management more efficient and less burdensome.If you’re ready to enhance your case management process, get in touch today and see how we can help.Free Trial
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