September 20, 2024

SMS Notifications

Do you remember the time before digital calendars and reminders?
When dinosaurs roamed the world and you had to whack your dinner over the head.
Or something like that.

What I do remember clearly is the nagging feeling in the back of my mind telling me there is something i was supposed to do.
Something important. And soon.
Of course I could not, for the life of me, remember what or when.
Life without the memory in our pocket that never forgets was Stressful. Capital S.
With a lot of missed meetings. And guilty feelings.

Yeah, I honestly don’t miss those times. No way I want to go back to the guilty nagging feeling.

And most of all we don’t want you to lose time and money on missed appointments!

That is why our apps have SMS notifications.

SMS notification

Of course we can also send notification emails and even emails with meeting invites - so that your clients can add the meeting to their calendar with one click.

But an SMS is the king of notifications. They are the reliable old technology. There is nothing, that has a higher guarantee of both delivery and actually being read.

  1. Emails are often overlooked, or read too late. Not to mention they often end up in spam:(
  2. Push notification require an app to be installed. That's a massive investment if all we need is a reminder. Not to mention the user might not even enable notifications in the first place:(
  3. With SMS there is nothing to do or setup by your clients - and that means zero things can go wrong!

Life happens, being reminded does never not make sense. Depending on your job, there might be significant preparation and/or travel for each meeting. Why not make sure a day before that the client is reminded? And she can cancel before we invest time, money and energy into a meeting. Life is messy, we just have to deal with it.

Our apps will fully automate the sending, whether a day before, in the morning, or an hour before the meeting. Or even a combination of the above.

For 4 cents per sms, you can make sure that 95% of appointments will happen or will be canceled long before they’ll cost you money.

An SMS notification will

  1. Make your clients happier, one less thing to keep in mind.
  2. You can impress them with a modern SMS-reminder system.
  3. Last but not least, notifications will protect your revenue.

All of that for a few cents. Now thats a slam dunk right?

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Interactive charts manual

April 02, 2024
Interactive charts manual

A chart manual for Inuko apps.
Interactive charts are available for any list of records in the app. That means, that any time you see a list of records in the app,
you can also have a visual chart representation of them.

Kurz programovania

February 09, 2025
Kurz programovania

"Haha, sorry, nie také rovná sa, ale rovná sa." rovná sa =. Takéto a iné vtipné momenty som zažil pri prvej lekcii programovania v Zebra klube Cesty von vo Veľkej Lomnici.

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