Lessons learned
Things built


Slovak lesson with Amalka

March 05, 2024
Slovak lesson with Amalka

The third successful program of Cesta von is the language support program Amal, which mainly develops communication skills in the Slovak language among mothers and parents from the communities, also thanks to the connection of people from the majority…

Meet the Filip app

December 13, 2023

The Filip program is divided into four categories and each of them addresses a different area in which people from excluded communities need help – housing, debt resolution, employment and financial goals. Each family involved in the Filip program received a…

Inuko applications are helping on the way out of poverty

December 12, 2023
Inuko applications are helping on the way out of poverty

In addition to applications and business, we also would like to introduce you to another activity in which we have been involved during the year. It's not as much about technology as it is about people. And about how to…

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